Orient / our Story

Can we envision a society that is more equitable, caring, and regenerative? And if we could envision such a future, how might we transition from where we are today?

Denizen's work is centered on an ongoing inquiry that explores these questions, spanning six themes: economics, politics, justice, technology, culture, and consciousness. 

We curate a wide range of guests on our eponymous podcast, Denizen.  We also create summaries on our website on essential topics such as universal basic income, long term capitalism, and decentralized social media.

Denizen is a fast growing community that includes a diverse array of individuals: entrepreneurs, scholars, artists, activists, influencers, recording artists, designers, investors, nonprofit leaders, and more. 

Amongst us are systems change leaders at the helm of organizations such as the Center for Humane Technology, Zebra’s Unite, Purpose, Mobius, Esalen, the Consilience Project, the Post Growth Institute, the Economic Security Project, One Project, and the Buckminster Fuller Institute.  Denizen is led by former Googler, Stanford d.school Fellow, and Harvard Kennedy School graduate Jenny Stefanotti, who serves as our steward and curator.

We are brought together by a shared desire to address the root causes of humanity’s current ecological and economic crises.  We convene regularly to learn from one another across six themes: economics, politics, technology, consciousness, culture, and justice.  We have explored a vast array of topics since our inception in 2020 and are one of Clubhouse’s leading clubs under the banners of economics, social issues, and knowledge.

At the heart of Denizen is a community that recognizes the need to redesign the value systems, incentives, and social contract underpinning modern society. In both our personal and professional lives, we are committed to this cause.

We are a diverse collective that includes entrepreneurs, technologists, scholars, artists, activists, healers, designers, investors and nonprofit leaders.  Amongst us are systems change leaders at organizations such as Zebras Unite, Purpose, the Center for Humane Technology, the Post Growth Institute, and the Buckminster Fuller Institute.  

Denizen was initiated by Jenny Stefanotti, who serves as our Steward and Curator.  She is a former Googler, Stanford d.school Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School graduate, longtime yogi and mother of three.

Denizen is a fast growing community that includes a diverse array of individuals: entrepreneurs, scholars, artists, activists, influencers, recording artists, designers, investors, nonprofit leaders, and more. 

Amongst us are systems change leaders at the helm of organizations such as the Center for Humane Technology, Zebra’s Unite, Purpose, Mobius, Esalen, the Consilience Project, the Post Growth Institute, the Economic Security Project, One Project, and the Buckminster Fuller Institute.  Denizen is led by former Googler, Stanford d.school Fellow, and Harvard Kennedy School graduate Jenny Stefanotti, who serves as our steward and curator.

We are brought together by a shared desire to address the root causes of humanity’s current ecological and economic crises.  We convene regularly to learn from one another across six themes: economics, politics, technology, consciousness, culture, and justice.  We have explored a vast array of topics since our inception in 2020 and are one of Clubhouse’s leading clubs under the banners of economics, social issues, and knowledge.

Humanity flourishing in harmony with all life on Earth

Accelerate a global awakening and galvanize collective action for comprehensive systemic change

Crafted by our founding community, our values reflect the future we envision for ourselves and humanity


Altering the systems that have shaped our society for generations is an ambitious and complex endeavor. We understand our limitations and take a humble, collaborative approach to our work.


Inquiry brings our community together. As listeners, we default to curiosity, especially when others offer a different perspective. We seek to understand our biases and challenge long-held assumptions.


Denizens value interdependence. We act with kindness and compassion in our personal and professional lives. We embody generosity through our gift model.


Denizen incorporates diverse perspectives in our discourse.  We believe inclusion is paramount to the design of an egalitarian future. Cross-pollination of disciplines and backgrounds also enables novel solutions.


We practice alignment with our values across the many roles we play: e.g. leaders, investors, consumers, neighbors, and parents. Leading by example through embodiment, we affect a transition to the broader change we seek.


Understood as integrity in action, we agree to compassionately hold each other accountable to our values as well as our intentions for impactful change.

Kevin Bayuk

"Jenny hosts and frames provocative conversations about the most important, contemporary topics for systems-level, societal design.  Sweet spot for exploring first principles approaches to a diverse range of topics."

Kevin Bayuk / Founder, LIFT Economy

Stephanie Lepp

"Denizen is an oasis. In a public sphere rife with repetitiveness and tribalism, Denizen is a refreshing source of innovative ideas, good faith dialogue, and ideologically diverse community. I've loved participating and facilitating Denizen conversations, and the in-person retreat in 2021 was an absolute high."

Stephanie Lepp / Executive Producer, Center for Humane Technology

Ben Von Wong

"Being part of the Denizen community has been a privilege.  I have upgraded my mind, soul, and spirit through community, conversation, and connection. What began as a series of thought-provoking discussions online have transformed into deep friendships in real life that continue to fill me with a sense of hope and possibility for humanity."

Ben Von Wong / Artist and activist

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